Infinity Design Tour – San Diego

Brotherhood Crusade Youth Program

Infiniti Design San Diego opened its doors to Kelvin and 20 youth from Brotherhood Crusade in June 2016. Brotherhood Crusade is a 48-year old grassroots organization with a vision of improving quality of life and meeting the unmet needs of low-income, underserved, under-represented and disenfranchised individuals.

The youth learned what it takes to design a vehicle from concept to completion from Infiniti’s Executive Design Director, Alfonso Albaisa. The group was able to take part in a sketching demonstration as well as clay modeling. This program was developed to inspire youth to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. This program was initiated by Kelvin Beachum and Infiniti Vice President of the Americas, Randy Parker, to connect underserved youth with the exciting opportunities available in car design. Through this experience, the children learned how to use their STEM knowledge to start the ideation process, design for function and how to make models from clay.